Finished piece for my tattoo decided on a humming
bird instead of a butterfly because they're
just so fantasy like with how fast and
beautiful they are.
One day, though, I started to draw a horse for my daughter, her favorite animal. Well, as I was shading, the horse started coming to life, more real looking with every muscle I shaded. Yes, I startle myself with every drawing I do, every idea I come up with, and every time they turn out good. As amazed as I was, when I finished the horse I was still afraid to go forward with the overall picture. I knew what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go with it, but I was too afraid of making, one of the best drawings I've ever done, into a total disaster. So I spent, I don't know, probably a year, maybe a little less, of not touching the picture, admiring the fact that I could draw(and shade) so well when I hardly have time to practice, and boy, all the neglect I've shown my art over these many years. A day came when I decided that if I could draw such a beautiful horse, and wanted so bad to finish my idea instead of always just "talking/thinking" about it finally convincing myself that it will be so awesome when I do finish a drawing, and so good, too. When I did pick up my picture again it definitely surprised me, after a year of not drawing, how easy it was to turn outlines into a masterpiece while shading. How good could I be if I just drew more, I ask myself? So over the past 2 months I've drawn quite a bit. I have some solid foundations of black and white pictures.
Well guys I'm off but I'll leave you with a few closing pictures :)
making Homemade pizza with my little one... doesn't get any better than that! |
someone really loves Aerosmith! lol turned out pretty cool, I say! |
And this guy here I seen over on the island where I work! We had to try and slide by this guy with on a golf cart at 630 in the am! luckily he was just a little guy! |
I'm out!
yours truly, Krista.
That turtle looks awesome Krista. You're going to love the Prismacolors. Can't wait to see more of your creations.
Agreed, that turtle does look awesome. Prismacolors are awesome. Good luck!
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