Thursday, May 3, 2012

Something Simple

 I want to start this new blog out as something simple for when I feel the need to write no matter who reads or comments.  My name is, Krista, I'm 25 with a 4 year old little girl named Aubriannah. I've been around the blog sphere  before and have recently felt the need to return. Don't know why... maybe its because I missed some of my fellow bloggers, maybe I miss writing, or maybe all of the above... who knows really. What I do know is I didn't want to go back to my old blog because I feel like I want to go in a different direction start new start fresh... in case you were wondering.

My life has been in a whirl wind for as far as I can remember and I can remember pretty far back, I might add. As a child it was always harder for me to learn then other kids. I have a mild case of dyslexia and over the years I've tried to over come it with books and writing. However, my writing skills are far from perfect, in fact, they're probably terrible but all the same I enjoy it. (So if there's a comma out of place or a period where there shouldn't be please forgive ) For the most part I seem to have my dyslexia under control but there are definitely times when it shows it ugly face. For instance...

if you can see I spelled Birthday Brithday!!

And YES I do this for a living and YES this has happened more than once! You know the bad thing is I  decorated this cake, took a picture of it, gave it to my customer and all the while I never even noticed it wasn't right!  Days later when I was looking at this picture again I finally realized what I had done!! Talk about embarrassing!!  But what could I do at that point!?! Since then, though, I double check every cake I send out and hope my eyes catch it... 
Arghhh mate! There be Treasure! 
and this is a cake well done!
My little girls cake to be exact she turned 4 in November!!

But luckily decorating cakes isn't all I do! lol... I cook, bake, and cater when I can, as well. (Cater on my own, as well as for my job.) All things I love to do and have pretty much taught myself. No, I've never been to college never took any kind of classes for baking or decorating cakes never even knew this was what I wanted to do or could do. I can make some of the best banana bread, cakes, anything yummy and sweet that you've ever had though! lol...  I'm a vizualist. I'm one of those people who can stand back watch one time and pretty much be able to conquer it when it comes to things like art and cooking. Gods gift to me-- and one I treasure. Art has been a hobby and a joy in my life for as long as I can remember but cooking and baking have just recently become another form of art to express myself (and make a living!) It's a great feeling to know what you want to do with your life. I hadn't known until about 2 years ago when I got a job at a small restaurant/bakery on an Island. I just knew I had to do something with my life to make money somehow.. I mean we all do, right. Then, god blessed me with an amazing job and the rest is history! I officially know where I want to go with my life and it's a darn good feeling. I feel super lucky to have found that I can use my art skills to make a living. Even just cooking breads, sandwiches, and regular meals when you place the food on a plate you can make it look as wonderful as it tastes. I mean look at how beautiful food can be.... 
Chicken Veg Lo Mien! YUM!!
Stuffed shells, fresh green beans and toasted bread! YUMM!!


I guess overall you could say I'm thankful and excited to see where I go from here. 

Well, guys, I think I've chatted you up enough for today. I'll leave you with a picture of my view to work everyday....  

 Thanks for reading


David Wagner said...


By the way, what if I followed my dreams and I ended up in, like, Cleveland or something? Dang, that would be a bummer...

My new dream is to someday go to Cleveland!

There, fixed that problem...

Dave the Goof

logankstewart said...

Oh wow. I love to cook, especially cheesecakes, and I'm a big fan of plating, too, so this is going to be excellent. I'm not sure if you're planning on making this a foodie blog (I'm okay with that!) or what, but I sure hope you continue to put up pictures of different foods and things.

Welcome back!

kristacole said...

Cleveland might not be so bad, David! Good luck! haha

Logan, I'm not really sure where I wanna go with this blog but I was definitely taking it in the direction of my life and future experiences. I'm sure you'll be seeing more food and more art to come :)

Thanks for commenting guys! :)